Best Torrent Client Debian

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Best Torrent Client Debian

One of the most enjoyable benefits to have its own server might come from the ease to download any torrents (Especially some free GNU/Linux distribution) through a nice web interface accessible anywhere and then just go home and have your torrents waiting for you.

The 3 most popular torrents clients with Web Interface are Deluge, Rtorrent and Transmission. Let me tell you what are my preferences.

1) Deluge Torrent:

Deluge Torrent is for me the best compromise between a very powerful torrent client (like Rtorrent) and a very simple torrent client (Like Transmission).

Deluge’s performance is very good as I used to seeds 3000+ torrents of Creative Commons content (From Joomla) when I was promoting .ogg files on the platform, with a fancy web interface, good support and yet easy to install and configure.

2) Rtorrent

Rtorrent is for me the most powerful torrent client: Powerful command line interface, can handle 5000+ torrents, with several possible web interfaces as Wtorrent or Rutorrent for my 2 favorites, with multi user support, etc… but can be difficult to install…

3) Transmission Bitorrent
Transmission is for me the safe one, easy to install quite powerful and good enough (Nice command line interface, good Web UI, …) but a bit too simple with not enough options.

Deluge is basically my favourite client for either Server or Desktop on either Linux, Windows or even Mac and here is how to install it on your server.


As root user (su) type:

and accept the dependencies.

This will install the version at this date on my Debian Stable system.


To improve a bit the security and be more flexible, it’s better to create a dedicated deluge user to run this service and its dedicated log files. Still using root user (su), type:

and create deluge configuration file: (Still in root)

and copy/paste the following configuration:

And save (Using CTRL+X, then Y)

Now, create the Init script to be able to start/stop the daemon easily with the configuration you

Best torrent client linux

and copy/paste:

It will use the port 9092 in this case and thus you will have to open it into your router configuration to allow inbound connection. (Change the line 25 if you want to modify the port)

Then, make this script executable: (Still as root user)

add the script in your boot startup list:

and start it:

You should now have access to your working Deluge Torrent Web User Interface at http://myip:9092

The password will be “deluge”.

At your first login, a pop up will recommend you to change this password, just click Yes to do it.

(: March 2, 2018)

Welcome to our guide covering the Top best BitTorrent clients for Linux, Top best BitTorrent clients for Ubuntu, Debian and Kali Linux, Top best BitTorrent clients for any other Linux Distribution. Get one of these BitTorrent Clients for Linux and start downloading torrent files without stress.

Debian Torrent Client

What is BitTorrent?

BitTorrent is a protocol used for peer-to-peer file sharing suitable for distributing large amounts of data over the global sweetest nerdy Internet. BitTorrent is the most common protocol for transferring large files.

Kali Linux and any other Linux distribution don’t come with any BitTorrent client installed by default. You will have to download one install it, either from repositories or .deb package. Here is my top List of my most favorite Torrent Clients that Never disappoint.{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}
  1. Deluge
  2. Qbittorent
  3. Transmission

Installing Deluge BitTorrent Client


Deluge utilizes a client/server model with “deluged” being daemon or service and the “deluge” being used to launch a GUI user interface. It is my best Kali Linux BitTorrent client that is super-fast and always reliable.

Installing deluge on any Debian derivative is easy. Open your terminal and type apt-get install deluge as shown below:

Download Debian Torrent

If you like using aptitude then type

You must have default Kali Linux Repositories to do so. read our Article on how to have Fastest Kali Linux Repositories.

Installing Qbittorrent BitTorrent Client

Best torrent client for linux

Qbittorent is another clean, fast, reliable and eye-candy Linux Bittorent Client. It works just like deluge.

How to install it in Kali Linux Kali Linux and Other Debian Based and Ubuntu Distros:

Open your terminal and switch to root then type:


Installing Qbittorrent Transmission BitTorrent Client

Transmission is another alternative to deluge and BitTorrent client for Unix/Linux.Transmission is fast and stable with no buggy slick.To install it, open your terminal and type:

Best Torrent Client Debian

To uninstall all the above three BitTorrent clients type

followed by the name of the torrent client you installed.

Installing top BitTorrent clients on CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora

To install them on CentOS, RHEL and Fedora just type:

Best Torrent Client For Linux


Hope you liked our list of the top best BitTorrent clients for Linux. Since people have different tastes, this list may not be valid for some guys. Feel free to drop a comment on which torrent client you use daily on your Linux box.

Debian Linux Torrent

Search Tags
How to install Deluge in Kali Linux
Installing Qbittorent in Kali Linux
Setting up Transmission in Kali Linux
Best Linux Torrent Clients
Deluge on Ubuntu and Debian
Deluge, Transmission, and Qbittorrent on Linux
BitTorrent Clients for RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS

Debian Torrent Iso{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}